Well, what can be said about the
importance of this poster...the very first Fillmore poster that
started the whole shebang. It's extremely rare (like, unobtainable)
and its value is obvious. Extremely rare, extremely valuable.
Slightly soiled, but in very good condition.
This poster was displayed behind
glass at the Funky Features house, 142 Central Ave (just off Haight),
from 1966 through 1969, then packed off to London, displayed in
my flat, and has been stored since.
15" X 19"

I think it was August, 1965
that a very straight me (I had just got out of the Marines) popped
into a used bookstore on Polk, between Broadway and Pacific, and
froze when I saw the proprietor, Yuri Toropov, who had hair half
way down his back. Who was this guy?! What kind of place was this!!?
I lingered near the counter
where he was talking to another longish-haired guy who turned
out to be Marty Balin, the eventual founder of the Jefferson Airplane.
Marty needed a poster for a Great Society gig at the Matrix, and
I spoke up and ended up knocking something out for them in one
color. I wish I had a copy of it now!